Benedetto 17 Guitar Plans

Acoustic Guitar Neck Profiles



  • Description

    • General Information:

      There are a lot of terms thrown around the guitar building community when it comes to neck profiles, (which is the actual profile of the neck cross-section). Many luthiers and smaller manufacturers to a lesser extent, will want to know which style neck profile the player desires and match the neck to these specifications. The different profiles vary only slightly when in comes to final shaping of the neck, but these changes can make huge differences to many guitar players.

      Some guitar players will prefer the Vintage Profile, which really refers to pre-war (WWII) guitars. Now, with many guitar makers introducing vintage instruments once again, players are demanding more vintage style necks as well. The typical vintage neck has a very pronounced "V" shaped profile, and as a result, the modified V has been introduced, falling somewhere between the vintage "V" and the standard "C" shape.

      This free download features (4) different and distinct neck profiles, with sections taken at the 1st fret and the 9th fret, so you can see how the profile changes from these locations.