Electric Guitar Pegheads

  • Description

    This file for electric guitar pegheads is for those luthiers that wish to create a replica of a classic electric guitar of their choice. The selection covers most of the popular models available both today and in their heyday.

    The reason we don't include these pegheads in our guitar plans is for copyright issues. Also as you may have noticed we do not use too many brand names because of trademark issues. But, since we are offering these free for your use, you can go ahead and use them if you wish.

    I do strongly recommend that you come up with your own brand however. You should single your instruments out as being uniquely your own. I recommend this not only for the pegheads but for the body shapes as well.

    The enclosed plans are for a "D" sized sheet showing 8 guitars and bases from different manufacturers. These are drawn full-scale and will meld with our electric guitar plans, which are also at the same scale.

    The plans also include a 2D CNC file. This will allow you a chance to see how these files mesh with your computer program without the need to expend any money.